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What Can Christians Do To Stop Abortion?

God expects every Christian to be actively involved in stopping abortion.  The Bible's instructions are very clear:
Psalm 82:3,4  Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless...Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.     

And again:
Proverbs 24:11,12 Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering to slaughter...if you say "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? 

Every Christian is needed in the fight against abortion.  It is not a job for specialists.  God has instructed us to love our neighbors a ourselves, and that means our tiny, unborn neighbors, too.  Here is an outline of becoming a missionary to the unborn:

  • Repent of our complacency and indifference to the fate of innocent unborn children who are daily being murdered in our land.  Determine that we can and will do something to save these babies and eliminate this scourge.
  • Know the scriptures dealing with the shedding of innocent blood, with God's punishment for nations which were guilty of this, and with God's plan for restoration through reestablishing justice.
  • Educate yourself on this life issue.  There are a number of excellent books, pamphlets, and videos defining and explaining the problem and describing the positive steps that a pro-life advocate should take.
  • Work with our family, neighbors, friends, and associates.  Urge them to become actively pro-life.
  • Help your church to become an active (not passive) pro-life force in the community.
  • Rescue babies right where the evil is taking place.  Planned Parenthood abortion facilities, doctor's offices, and independent abortion mills:
                      --Join prayer groups at these locations
                      --Become a sidewalk counselor
                         (Assist those considering abortion.)
  • Volunteer at a local crisis pregnancy center (CPC), and help support the center financially.
  • Volunteer at a local home for unwed mothers, and help support the home financially.
  • Get involved in lobbying your city, state and national officials and legislators on behalf of Life.
  • Vote and encourage other Christians to vote; distribute and use pro-life voting guides.
  • Write to your news media when a matter regarding abortion arises.
  • Join a pro-life organization and help to support it.

For further details on becoming a knowledgeable and effective pro-life advocate, contact:

18030 Brookhurst Street, PMB 372
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Ph. (714) 963-4753, Fx. (714) 963-4575
E-mail:  [email protected]

This brochure is dedicated to the proposition that all human life is sacred and inviolable from the time of fertilization to natural death.

Donald S. Smith
Founder, Crusade For Life