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A Christian Response to Abortion


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Leader Information


This course has been organized into four (4) sessions. It is suggested that each session should take between 45-60 minutes which works out to 3 to 4 hours of teaching time. To stay within those time frames, you may need to compress or expand each session as needed. Using a Sunday School class as an example, some Sunday School classes are allotted 45 minutes. The actual teaching time may be only 30 minutes because of announcements, singing and other activities. If that is your situation, teaching this course using five or six sessions, letting the first one be an introductory session, would be wise.

The Bible study "A Christian Response To Abortion" can be used in a variety of religious educational settings such as:

  • Home Bible study
  • Sunday School class
  • Pastors may elect to use this Bible Study during a special 4-6 hour meeting such as Sunday afternoon/evening or a Saturday morning. A Saturday morning showing allows inviting other nearby churches to participate. Another suggestion is to set aside four (4), or more, 1 to 1 1/2 hour evening class times at your church during the week. This could be any night of the week that you choose based on the availability of your participants. If you are targeting participants who are available during the day, then morning or afternoon classes could be scheduled.

Each session is based on clearly established biblical objectives and provides step-by-step directions for beginning, developing, and closing the session.

Each session opens with a viewing of a segment of a DVD which will enhance the learning process. This is followed with discussion questions, session exercises and closing prayer. Your goals as the leader are to:

  • Launch a discussion on the subject
  • Focus the discussion on Scripture passages
  • Invite and aid in summarizing each session with appropriate suggestions.

The study material you will need for each session are:

  • The lesson plan/outline  
  • Scripture verses
  • Student handouts/work sheets
  • Sign in sheet (included in session 1)
  • The accompanying DVD's "A Matter of Choice" and "The Silent Scream" must be ordered separately (see key material order info page).
The study materials you will need to teach this course are available two ways:
  1. Order the Bible Study package entitled "A Christian Response to Abortion" which includes all the course materials including the DVD's "A Matter of Choice" and "The Silent Scream."
  2. You can also download all the material for this course directly from this site through the PDF links on each session's page with the exception of the DVD's mentioned above. They are an essential part of this course and must be ordered separately.

Ordering information for the Bible Study package, the DVD's "A Matter of Choice", "The Silent Scream" and other materials are available from the Key Material Order Info link at the top of this page.


Acquaint yourself with all of the study course materials: DVD's "A Matter of Choice" and "The Silent Scream," student handouts, sample materials and the study guide. As you review the material pray about what you have read and viewed. Ask the Lord to guide you in your preparation and leadership. Be open to creative ideas that you may have received during your prayer time. Think about those who will be attending and how you can convey the information to them in a way that will be easy to understand. Your own prayers for directions and your prayers for class members will enrich the course.

1. Invitation to Attend

After approaching you pastor for permission, ask him to look over the study, to give suggestions and to help advertise it. The series of four studies should be announced in your church bulletin and/or newsletter.

2. Child Care

You may want to organize some type of baby-sitting arrangements especially if the class is in the evening or some other different time, this way you are sure to include families with children. Usually the class will be given during the Sunday School hour.

3. Equipment

You will need to secure a DVD player and something with a large enough screen so that everyone can see, especially if you get into larger classes.

4. Student Handouts

The Student Handouts are available direct from each session's page in PDF format or the entire course, including the handouts, can be ordered as a package (see key material order info page). Always make extras for those who may attend at the last minute or who didn't attend previous classes. Each class session builds on the previous session. It is a good idea to hand out student notes just before the discussion time. If you hand them out too early, it may become a distraction during the first part of class.

5. Sign-In Sheet and Name Tags

You may want to have a sign-in sheet. You may later want, or need, to call the class members. If you have extended an invitation to other churches or classes, the sign-in sheet allows you to get correct name spellings, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Those that sign-in probably don't mind their contact information being given to the rest of the class; however, it is important to respect the privacy of your participants and to ask first before sharing this information with others.

Name tags are great way, especially in small groups, for the participants to learn the names of the other participants.

6. Refreshment

Refreshments are a symbol of fellowship. Plan to have fellowship/refreshment time at the end of each session so those who have to leave early can do so without missing any of the lesson. Sometimes a different person can volunteer to bring refreshments each time or everyone can bring something to share.

7. Cost

Talk it over with your pastor or class leader. If you plan on ordering extra material, a fee may be necessary. Possibly each person can purchase what they want individually or you could ask for a set fee - say $5 and supply several extra items. This could include a booklet on fetal development, a colored flier on abortion, the little feet pin, a nice folder to keep their notes and worksheets in, etc. See reference sheets in Part IV for addresses.

8. Staying Organized

There is nothing like getting to class only to find that something important (like the DVDs) were accidentally left behind. You may be very organized and already have a plan for avoiding such a scenario. If so, good. If not, here is one suggestion. Purchase a plastic portable file holder at your local office supply center such as the one shown.  Everything that is necessary for the class can be kept in this container ready to go in an organized manner. Other items such as pencils or pens can also be easily stored and transported in a file box like this.

Additionally, something like a pocket folder for each participant would be useful so that the class materials from each session can be keep together. A thin 3 ring binder would be another possibility.

Another suggestion is to keep each participant's folder in this container between class sessions.

From Bev Cielnicky - President, Crusade for Life

Thank you for introducing your class to this very important current issue. This study could change their lives! If you have any further questions, please contact:

Crusade for Life
18030 Brookhurst St. #372
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Phone 714- 963 4753
e-mail [email protected]
web site: crusadeforlife.org

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