1. Health Issues Related to - CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2. Biblical references to
3. The Homosexual Agenda: Religious Liberty Under Fire - December 4, 2003 written by Dr. R. Albert Mohler President of the Southern Baptist Seminary
4. How America Went Gay by Charles W. Socarides, M.D.
5. Why NARTH? The American Psychiatric Association's Destructive and Blind Pursuit of Political Correctness  Benjamin Kaufman 2001 (Note: This article refers to a study by Dr. Robert Spitzer released in 2001 in which he stated that change in sexual orientation was possible for some.  For years this study had been strongly criticized by gay activists who said that the research for his study was based on had serious methodological flaws. In 2012 he apologized for how he presented it. His apology does not detract from the clinical evidence presented by Benjamin Kaufman in his article above entitled " Why NARTH.")
6. NARTH  National Association For Research & Therapy of Homosexuality
7. PFOX Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays
8. Voices-of-Change.org Testimonies of those who have changed
9. Rosaria Butterfield A former lesbian - Author of "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert" -An English professor's journey into Christian faith (An amazing story)
10. Debbie Thurman Article - The APA's Pro-Gay "River of Denial"
11. Coming Out Again Website - Kris Olsen - Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
12.. A Shadow in the Land Book by Former Congressman Bill Dannemeyer
13. Ex-Gay: Fact, Fraud or Fantasy? Article by Frank Worthen
14. My Father's Closet (Children of Homosexuals) Article by Jeremy Deck
15. Homosexuals Use Public Schools as "Instruments of Change" - Article by news editor Ed Vitagliano - American Family Association - September 21, 2000
16. Trophy Children - Article by Jane Chastain which deals with homosexual (same-sex couple) adoptions
17. Queers In Court - Book - In Queers in Court, Susan Gluck Mezey examines the contemporary battle for gay and lesbian rights in the United States...
18. Exporting Homosexuality - 32 minute video - Exporting Homosexuality, Perversion and HIV/AIDS
19. Mission America - Website - Linda Harvey founder
20. Pro-freedom Republicans are Coming Daily Beast article see page 6 line 2 for Neel Kashkari reference
21. Neel Kashkari California gubernatorial 2014 candidate stand on the issues